Towards a genomics revolution
India has the scientic resources for genetic research — all it needs is the vision at the national level to leverage them
n 1865, Gregor Mendel discovered
the two laws of inheritance
that are now named after
him. Almost 90 years later in 1953,
the work of James Watson, Francis
Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind
Franklin, deciphered the
structure of the molecule — DNA —
that stores our hereditary information
and gets transmitted from parents
to children over generations.
Personalised medicine
At this point, in principle, the
prospect of building individualised
medicine based on the precise
information stored in each human’s
DNA (their genome) had
come into view. But the human genome
has around 3 billion base
pairs and in 1953 it wasn’t possible
to imagine extracting genetic information
on the molecular scale
and of this collective size.
Technological advances in sequencing
methods have made the
possibility glimpsed 60 years ago a
reality today. Already by 2001 the
human genome project and its
private competitor, Celera Genomics,
showed that an entire genome
could be sequenced.
Since then the cost of doing so
has plummeted — currently it is something
like $1000 per person
and becoming cheaper — and the
age of genomicsinformed medicine
is now within sight. Perhaps
this will also make interventional
treatments feasible, in the not too
distant future, thanks to the revolutionary
advances brought about
by the discovery of new geneediting
techniques, such as CRISPR.
Surveying Indian variation
What implications do these developments
have for India and are
there deliberate choices that
would shape this coming future
more advantageously for the country
and its people? Are there
strengths that India can bring to
this task? To gain fully from the genomics
revolution, India needs to
collect information about the genetics
of its population and train
manpower capable of interpreting
it. The information that is needed
has to come from a large and sustained
collection of data — fully sequenced
individual genomes
along with medical histories for
the individuals who volunteer for
this eort.
This kind of longitudinal study
is what would allow actual physical
manifestations relevant to
health, e.g. specic illnesses, to be
related to features in the genome.
To pick an ambitious but not impossible
number, a data bank that
collects this kind of information
on one million Indians over the
coming decade would be a feasible
eort of the right magnitude. We
note that the China Kadoorie Biobank
has been studying half a million
people since their recruitment
in 20042008. As India is
much more genetically diverse —
with something like 5,000 ethnolinguistic
and religious groups
(castes and others), all of which
probably have some degree of genetic
distinctiveness — it needs a
larger survey to do justice to all Indians.
The genetic distinctiveness of
dierent Indian groups is in part
the result of endogamy. While we
cannot know the full impact of endogamy
in advance of a proper
survey, some recent research has
shown that endogamy is very likely
to be medically signicant.
Castes are not just “of the mind”.
The genetic implication of this is
that there are likely to be many recessive
diseases stemming from
single genes specic to individual
groups that can be identied.
Decreasing disease burden
This knowledge could then also be
quickly applied to the task of managing
diseases in these groups as
well as be used for genetic counselling
that could reduce their incidence
in future generations. As an
example elsewhere, the founder
group of Ashkenazi Jews have almost
eliminated TaySachs disease
from their population by such
means. Looking ahead a bit more,
with large samples the technique
of “genomewide association studies”
that compare genomes of
cases and controls could be used
to identify genetic risk factors related
to common diseases (such as
heart disease that stem from many
genes) that aect the health of many
more individuals. We would
like to emphasise that much of this
is simply a question of applying existing
methods and could all be
done fairly quickly.
This is a good point at which to
note that such a survey of Indian
genetic diversity will be an important
asset, beyond disease genetics.
The data collected as part of
these eorts will also help to uncover
the basic biological function
of genes and their interactions,
which are not yet fully understood.
This knowledge will be useful
to humanity worldwide and also
oer India a chance to claim a
piece of the global medical and
scientic frontier.
As a large part of the enterprise
would be the application of information
technology or “bioinformatics”,
the prospects of establishing
viable commercial
enterprises with synergies to existing
IT champions are also
What then is to be done?
As things stand there is certainly
progress under way. There has
been pathbreaking work in using
genomics to shed light on Indian
history, a small number of hospitals
are using genetic information
to help patients, and there is at
least one private sequencing company
in India. But all of this activity
is on a much smaller scale than
needed and is currently not generating
the manpower required to
equip the next generation of medical
and research activities in the
area. What is needed is a coherent
push at the national level that involves
government, academic institutions,
the existing healthcare
industry, the IT industry and the
nascent biotechnology industry.
This coherent push should aim to
set an ambitious but realistic objective
of creating an Indian genetic
data bank, to promote academic
programmes that train scientists,
technicians and doctors in this
area and to create a regulatory framework
that promotes broad objectives
for both public and private
sectors without being selfdefeating.
The fact is that both genetic data
and biological samples are easily
transported across borders and
if Indian regulation is shortsighted,
it will simply cause Indian genomics
to move abroad to places
such as Singapore. In this context
it is worth mentioning that the GenomeAsia
100K Initiative based in
Singapore plans to sequence
100,000 Asian genomes, including
some from South Asia. While
this is eminently worthwhile as it
will provide a broader panAsian
set of data, it would be important
to make similar investments at a
national scale quickly to avoid the
situation that this is one of the only
enterprises to which Indians
can turn to.
All in all, the time is ripe for India
to begin its own genomics revolution.
The technical understanding
and will needed to
launch this is present in India’s
scientic leadership, in medicine
and in industry. What is needed is
a vision and leadership at the national
level to leverage this and
seize the day. Nothing less than the
very health of the nation is at
source ; the hindu news paper
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